was a little bit of chaos for me leading up to the stated meeting as there
usually is before an official district visitation. The usual list of items that
need to be prepared before any meeting pretty much doubles in size and given
that our lodge is on display to a lot of visitors I make sure to double check
that everything is in place hoping that the one thing that I do forget can be
overcome with relative ease. And this is something important for every officer
to remember… you are going to forget things. The trick is to make sure that it
is as insignificant as possible as to not disrupt the meeting itself.
visitation this year was a little different than in previous years. For one, I
was able to enjoy some time in the hall dining with the brethren and, in some
instances, with their wives. That was a pretty significant change and one that
I hope to see continued in the months and years to come. Not only were wives
and families welcomed to join us, we were also treated to a delectable
Brazilian dinner prepared by one of the wives (with a little assistance from
her husband and Junior Warden). For me, on the top of that to do list was to
make sure I thanked her for all of her hard work… something that I am glad that
I remembered to do.
meeting itself went very smoothly with only a minor mistake on my part that was
easily rectified. It was also a very productive meeting as there were a number
of projects that needed to be addressed and motions that needed to be made.
Overall, especially given the last couple of months, it was a welcome respite
from the week and a reinvigorating one at that. There is great progress that
has been made, positive changes that are in the works, and important motions
that have been passed.
the meeting was over and all the bills were paid, I finally sat back to collect
my thoughts for a few seconds before starting another conversation. In many
ways, I can’t believe that this is already my third year as Secretary and the
beginning of my forth year as a mason. It seems as though I was raised
yesterday while, at the same time, I have been coming to lodge my whole life.
It is really hard to put into words but something that motivates me to see the
lodge succeed and to see new masons to succeed as well. And now, with the
changes in process, it is something that I will be able to happily share with
my family on a more regular basis… especially my son who I hope will join me at
a meeting someday.
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