has been about a month since I thought about writing this post but I wanted to
give it a little time and think about what I wanted to say. In this instance,
that was the wrong approach as the rant has, for lack of a better term,
festered a bit. So, what got me riled up? It was all the protesters taking to
the streets of Philadelphia in mid April… most of which should have been
charged, at the very least, with disturbing the peace.
don’t have anything against protests in general as there are many messages and
policies about which people are passionate about whether they are right or
wrong to hold those views. However, the recent trend has been to, at best,
disrupt the lives of those in the vicinity of the marching and chanting and, at
worst, simply a collection of misguided hooligans that could care less about
the negative impact that they have on those around them. A prime example of the
latter occurred during the morning rush hour last month when a small group gathered in Old City
with no clear message but with the purpose of simply terrorizing those who got
in their way. This small gathering was only the preamble to mass chanting of
vitriol slogans during the protests during the evening rush hour.
many of the “peaceful” protesters that have recently come out of the woodwork there
is nothing peaceful about the words that they are using or simply their actions
during these gatherings. In many cases there is no question that they are using
this ‘peaceful means of expression’ to incite violence and hatred (for which
there are a few that should be charged accordingly). In the above mentioned
incident, those involved in that small group in Old City should be facing
charges as they were clearly guilty of false imprisonment (a
woman was unable to move her car or get out of her car) and corruption of minors
(they encouraged kids on their way to school to participate in their act of harassment).
But, not surprisingly, no charges have been filed.
I wouldn’t expect anything else from a city that insists on breaking the law. Following
the Obama administration’s campaign to only deport those ‘undocumented workers’
who commit a crime, many delusional cities have declared sanctuary status
including Philadelphia in January of this year. While the DHS directive birthed
from that declaration has citied that enforcement will only occur if the person
in question is a known criminal or breaks any additional laws after illegally
entering the United States. Guess what, I am not buying that load of crap!
make things really simple. If I break the law, I should be held accountable. By
entering the country illegally, by breaking the law, you have committed a crime
and the penalty for that crime is to be deported. It is a rather cut and dry
matter. The government is not to be held accountable should you have children
in the United States (they would be citizens in this instance and cannot be
deported) after illegally entering the county… it was your decision to not obey
the laws of this country. You are the one tearing apart your family.
Am I
saying that the immigration system is perfect? Heck no, it is broken to say the
least. But there are many departments and agencies in this country that could
be described as FUBAR but that doesn’t mean that we can simply ignore the laws
and regulations enforced by those agencies… the IRS is a perfect example of
this. Unfortunately, there are misguided politicians in this country that are
declaring sanctuary status for their cities. And they should be held
accountable for their actions as well as they are aiding and abetting a
known criminal with the possibility of criminal conspiracy charges being leveled should
it be proven that this was a coordinated and calculated effort to break the
law. Arrest them or impeach them (or both) but hold them accountable for their
actions like the rest of us are in our daily lives.
for now, enforce the law. Don’t just overlook the criminal acts of others and
hand out free passes. We have to be held accountable for our own actions and we
must protect ourselves and our rights before simply handing them over to
others. Now, if you want to see the system changed, get involved. Don’t just
start yelling in the streets and making hollow declarations. Take action and
put forth the effort to effect change in this country. After all, 99% of the
people in these protests are the ones who voted for change in the first place
but what are they doing to influence the process and make progress on the
policies about which they hold the greatest passion?
don’t preach about the rights of others with one breath and try to strip the
rights from law abiding citizens in the next like I have heard many politicians
and protesters do as they jump from an immigration rally to an anti-gun rally!
My rights are not on the table, they are not for debate, and any politician in
Pennsylvania should face impeachment should they question that right.
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