is that time of year when the holidays converge. While Christians throughout
the world celebrated Good Friday yesterday and will be celebrating Easter
tomorrow, Jews are delving into the Torah and recounting our escape from Egypt.
All of the basic information about the Passover holiday can be found in my post last year and some
reflections can also be
found immediately following that post. However, this Passover is quite
different than those in the past.
year I find myself thinking not just about the past but also about the present
and future. This is our son’s first Passover and while he isn’t completely
aware of all that is taking place it is a moment that my wife and I are
enjoying. While in the past the holiday has been to remind ourselves and
fulfill our needs, now we find ourselves the bearers of tradition and faith. We
are the ones that will pass along and tell these stories to our son.
all starts with the seder but goes well beyond a single night. With that in
mind I wanted to share a few pieces from a blog written by Rabbi Chaim Coffman whom I had the pleasure of meeting during our brief time living in Jerusalem.
He was a great reassuring resource at that time and his posts continue to
provide tremendous guidance for all who come across his blog:
The purpose of the
seder is to retell the story of the exodus from Egypt and instill in us the
idea that G-d interferes and plays a role in history. As the first of the Ten
Commandments tells us we know G-d exists because He took us out of Egypt! The
mitzvah to believe in G-d comes from this command but the belief in G-d is
through knowledge, not just a flippant "I believe" based on nothing…
…Another idea to
keep in mind as the Haggadah tells us is that had G-d not taken us out, we
would still be there. This is incredulous because the ruling power in every
nation has power for a certain amount of time but then it eventually ends
either through military takeover or through elections. If that is true, could
it possibly be true that the Jewish people would never have escaped?
The commentaries
tell us that according to nature it could not have happened. When G-d tells
Moshe to go to Egypt and take the Jewish people out, he refuses. One of the
reasons he does not want to go is because when he looks up to heaven, he sees
an angel of G-d and an angel of Egypt (each nation has their own guardian
angel) intertwined like a double helix and understood that the Jewish people
would never be allowed to leave.
G-d tells him that
in essence that may be true but since G-d can do anything, He will take the
Jewish people out from Egypt through miracles that are above nature. As we go
through the plagues, we realize just how true that is!
At the same time,
the Haggadah tells us that only G-d did this, not through an angel,
intermediary..i.e. to show G-d's power and demonstrate that the world power at
that time was utterly destroyed through the miraculous plagues that G-d brought
about against the mighty Egyptians.;
If we look at
history, the Jewish people have survived against the natural world. As they have
been dispersed without their own land for thousands of years, it is nothing
short of unbelievable how they have survived! We have been exiled, gassed, had
pogroms against us. and still the Jewish people continue to survive.
They survived
through belief in G-d and His Torah and continue to thrive. May we take these
timely messages and let them infuse in us belief in Him that will lead to the
Messiah coming speedily in our days!!
May each and every
one of us have a enjoyable and meaningful Passover.
In the
end, while we certainly have influence over our own destiny we can’t forget the
influence that G-d plays in our lives. It is a great comfort knowing that the
hardships we face are temporary and that the joy we experience will stay with
us forever. That deep faith and belief in G-d is what we share with our son.
After all, he is G-d’s gift to us and we thank Him each day for our child.
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