is that time again… my iPhone is beginning to slow and the battery life is not
what it used to be. Normally I would simply go to AT&T and get whatever the
$0.99 upgrade is at the time but due to some of the changes to their policies
that doesn’t seem like the most viable option. So, with that said, I am
expanding my search for a replacement.
iPhone has served me well over the past few years. Both the 3 and the 4 have
held up well and I have year to break one (I don’t know how people do it). The
apps, when not a complete waste of time, are actually quite useful and some of
them have even been beneficial at times. However, the compatibility issues with
my laptop and the limited battery life are getting on my nerves. Additionally,
I am getting tired of the idea of having a phone which require proprietary
cords, apps, and doodads rather than a simple platform which communicates with
my other non-Apple devices.
I have taken a few minutes of the day and looked at my phone trying to pinpoint
what I really use it for, how I could use it, and how I should use it. By
stepping back I realized that all of the things that do nothing but waste my
time are things that I can really do without and I don’t care if they are not available
on other phones. At the same time, some of the other apps that I use regularly
are not just in app form and so a mobile website can easily take their place
(i.e. Ancestry, Facebook, Blogger, etc.). Everything else can be found on other
smart phones just in a different configuration and/or under a different name.
that said, I am used to the platform. I know where everything is and I know
exactly how it works. Changing things over isn’t really a challenge but it can
simply be time consuming getting used to and figuring out a new way. Time is
something that I have very little of at the moment. When I think about that
though, given the frequency with which I have to stop using my phone just so it
can charge, it might not be that much of a time difference if any.
I would like to be able to accomplish is to have a phone that doesn’t cost
$500+ just in case I need to replace it. Something that I can easily sync with
my computer and other devices. Much more efficient use of power… I miss the
days when I only had to plug in my phone every other day even with constant use.
And, maybe something that I can work on just in case my computer craps out… it
has happened before and an iPhone is not a pleasant working tool in that
that is my dilemma. What phone should I switch to? Should I stay with Apple (a
6 is NOT an option people)? What is on your mobility wish list? Let me know
what you think. I will be sure to write about the phone I chose (probably later
this week or next).
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