night I look forward to crawling into bed onto the slightly squishy mattress
and enjoying the comfort for a few minutes before falling asleep. Even when
away from home, the same basic routine applies and while I prefer the firmer
memory foam at home the plush squishiness on the road is sometimes a welcomed
change. Regardless of where I am, it is this little moment of relaxation that
ensures a long and restful slumber.
son has pretty much the same routine as his daddy. However, there is such a
thing as too squishy which he proved early on within the first month of being
home. It is this experience which has impacted the way that he has slept ever
all started in mid-March when we hear his intense cry piercing through a rather
pungent odor. It was clear that the mess in his diaper was not conducive to his
ability to sleep which by this time was usually 5 or more hours at a time. When
he was brought over to the changing table we couldn’t really blame him for
being uncomfortable. Baby’s first night of swamp butt has stuck with him.
that night our son has, for the most part, refused to poo while he is asleep at
night. Naps seem to be a big exception to the rule. Basically, out son just
doesn’t like the feeling of laying in his own stinky squishiness and would
rather hold it in until morning.
brings about an obvious drawback because the morning can be a rather vicious
time of day. It is when everything seems to wake up and in the midst of his morning
stretch everything is let loose. The people at Folgers didn’t take this into
account when considering what might be the most dominant smell to perfume the
we have also found that while he still doesn’t like the feeling, he doesn’t
quite have the mastery of his bowels when sitting in the car seat. Those seem
to be the most interesting occurrences which usually result in the changing of
outfits and a strong urge to give him a quick bath. All the while, pooping is fair
game when someone is holding him.
it smells, it’s messy, and it can be annoying when it happens in a newly sealed
diaper, you can’t help but laugh when he gives you that cheeky little smirk
that he has already managed to master. He may crap, and crap a lot, but he is
so darn cute while doing it that it doesn’t seem that bad… at least in hind
sight. And the loud loads are just funny.
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