since I began working ‘normal’ hours I haven’t been able to make it to a Rotary
meeting especially at my home club which meets for lunch in the middle of the
week. Logistically it just hasn’t worked out. Of course, there have been other
activities that have kept me occupied but I have only been able to schedule so
much before my wife gets that look in her eye. And, honestly, I can’t say I
blame her. There is only so much I can do without burning out and I have to
have time at home or else I will just start shutting down.
last night, for the first time in months, I was able to once again join my
fellow Rotarians in Bala Cynwyd for a wonderful dinner and, as always,
excellent discussion. On what would have been my induction night as President
of the club, I sat at one of the four crowded tables in the back room of Aldar
Bistro and watched as another Rotarian took office. It was interesting to think
about what could have been but that moment was fleeting because, while I may
not be involved in Rotary like I once was, there are a lot of other things that
I enjoy in what I consider to be a great life.
the new president gave a bit of a hat tip to me as in the short time I was
active in Rotary and at the club, I make what turned out to be a positive
impact. As I have said before, sometimes work and life in general can get in
the way of things like Rotary but what is really important is that we remain active
in our desire to give back and do good work. After all, we each have the responsibility
to bring light to the world because while one candle may only be able to make a
pin point in the dark, if we each hold a candle we can turn night into day.
Rotary is just one of the many places where you can old your candle high.
the end of the evening there were many people I hadn’t caught up with, many to
whom I was introduced, and most that I had a chance to talk with about the long
time that had passed. While I doubt that there will be time in the near future
when I will be able to attend another meeting, I look forward to the next
gathering I will be able to attend and I am determined to do a better job in
keeping the like of communication open with my old club. Regardless of what
happens, I will never forget what my club and Rotary did for me during a
difficult period, the welcoming receptions that I continue to receive whenever
I am able to make it to a meeting, gathering, or event, and what it continues
to do as it influences my daily life.
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