I got to my client’s office with about five minutes to spare until I had to get
on the phone. Cutting it a little closer than I like but, hey, I made it and
that is what really counts. While I was waiting for the call to begin, I pulled
out my computer and started getting a few other things done. It’s great having
access to a secure and reliable wireless network. The call went off without any
issues, as I would expect from the people on the line. With about 30 minutes
until my next commitment I had just enough time to get my tie on and prep for
the next event, the reason I had to leave the office early which you know I don’t
like doing.
A quarter
to five and I could hear some very familiar voices carrying across the
building. Knowing that things were obviously getting started a little early, I
hurried myself back out to the car and dropped off my bag and coat, it was a
mild evening, so that I wouldn’t have that clutter later in the night. On my
way back, my colleague joined me and we entered the reception, mingled (with
plenty of work mixed in) and awaited the Governor’s arrival.
right, for the fourth time in the last six months, I was able to meet Governor
Corbett and hear him speak as well as honestly answer every question that is
presented to him. It was and evening when I wish my boss was able to attend as
her views are similar to mine but she has yet to meet the Governor. With that
said, her substitute representative, this being his first encounter, left that
evening impressed by the fact that he finally met a politician who took his
time, spoke to everyone, and was honest and sincere in his answers and views.
were other business items that came up during the evening that brought the evening
back to some of the issues that we have been facing time and again, nothing
which I am at liberty to discuss here, but it was an excellent evening nevertheless
and our client seemed to be pleased with the overall experience and results of
the evening. And, personally, the evening served as greater motivation to do my
part in participating in the process and ensuring that Pennsylvania continues
along the right path during a second term by Governor Corbett.
the end I only left with one question unanswered: when asked if there is any
media in the room, should I start raising my hand? It is an interesting dilemma
and one that will only become more complicated as some other projects,
hopefully, come to fruition. I guess I will have to take this day by day, event
by event, until I reach a clear conclusion. Until that time, my hand will stay
down. No need to complicate things.
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