used to be that I would look forward to daylight savings time either for the
extra hour of sleep or the extra hour of work. Either way, the following
morning was just a little bit better. This year, things are a little different.
While the potential is still there for an extra hour of sleep it was really more
like an extra hour to stay up and get work done. And the morning presented a
new slate of issues.
few weeks back, each of us needing a bit of a respite on the weekends, my wife
and I each took a day to sleep in. After a long work week, I preferred to take
Saturday morning to remain in bed until 10 while my wife took Sunday to get a
little extra rest before the week got started. It is a system that should work
well but there are a few hiccups along the way a big one happening this
son has been having a few issues sleeping during the week which makes him a
little extra tired over the weekend. Of course, it doesn’t help that he insists
on getting up at the same time each morning no matter what time he fell asleep
or if he stayed unconscious during the night. Needless to say, there were a few
rough nights leading up to daylight saving time and even though the dial on my
watch may have moved back, the timer in our son’s head didn’t get the memo.
the time I got him out of bed he seemed a bit out of sorts. It may have only
been an hour to many but it made a huge difference to us as we were woken up at
the old time. While I always enjoyed the extra hour of rest before, I never
truly appreciated that hour until this year. That is a long hour when the bonus
time was used to stay awake the night before. Turns out, that wasn’t the
smartest thing to do.
course, the true impact of the time change didn’t really hit our son until this
evening when what he thought was bed time was approaching… after all the
windows had been dark for a while so it must be time to sleep. That was the
longest hour of the day. But there were some lessons learned and mental notes
taken for next year. Maybe the same mistakes won’t happen again when we adjust
the clocks in the spring.
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