Friday, November 13, 2015

Firearms Friday: Fall Cleaning

Sometimes you just want to go back to the basics.
I realize that The Yankee Marshal may hunt me down (in high heels no less) for doing this but I decided to do some safe cleaning recently and some of the things that I plan on getting rid of I will not be replacing with another firearm. I know. Fortunately, I am in a constant state known as tactical butterscotch so I am ready for him when I hear the clicking of his heels as they approach my car from across the parking lot. Of course, just in case, should he show up at my house I have also strategically placed things slightly off center throughout the house which buys me at least three hours to respond while he goes around fixing all of them.

In all seriousness, as I wrote about previously, it was time to sift through the safe and get rid of the firearms that I hadn’t taken to the range in a while and that I don’t plan on taking with me in the near future. I don’t just want things sitting in there not being enjoyed and really not having any purpose… if they aren’t being used they shouldn’t be taking up space. After all, someone may be looking for exactly what I don’t want and will get some use out of it. So, with that in mind, I sorted through the shelves and brought the queens to the gun shop.

At the same time, it was also time to get a different kind of cleaning done. One important thing too often overlooked about firearms is the fact that they need to be well maintained. I am not talking about a Yankee Marshal degree of cleaning but a basic field strip, wiping down, and a thin sheen of oil. Enough to maintain the tools that are used regularly. Even this is more than most people as I also clean the firearm after I have taken it to the range. Each and every time.

This is the process that I plan on doing at the same time each year because I know that as the weather gets colder and schedules become more hectic during the winter, I just don’t have the time to get to the range as much as I would like. Now I know that there is plenty of space making it easier to find what I want when I have those few moments to get out. And I know that everything will be good to go without having to double check and prep before heading out the door. Doing all of the cleaning now just makes things easier down the road.

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