is a lot to be thankful for this year. Seems to be quite the clichéd way to
begin this post but sometimes the truth is in the cliché. There have been a lot
of great things that have happened over the past year for which I am incredibly
grateful for even in light of our usual annual routine being completely
different than what we have become accustomed to over the years. Not all
changes have been good ones but that doesn’t mean that this past year hasn’t
been good or that we are less thankful for what we have. If anything, we are
even more grateful for the things that we have now.
everything that has happened this year and especially over the past month my
wife and I decided to really change things up for Thanksgiving this year and do
absolutely nothing. Well, more accurately, we decided not to go anywhere and
stay home to both enjoy the holiday as a family and get a few things done
around the house. Remember, we haven’t even been here for a week at this point
and there are still plenty of things to do and organization that needs to be
was actually a really nice break and while we didn’t accomplish all that we had
planned, we were able to spend the extra time together and take a few moments
to catch our breath. And, for our son, it was an extra day to catch up on his
sleep and recover from the lack of routine offered by the daycare… thankfully
we have found a solution for that as well. However, the most important part of
thanksgiving this year was to step back and allow ourselves to try and
transition from our previous annual routine and prepare for what the future
holds for this day.
are going to have to find a new holiday routine now that so many things have
changed and we are now settled into a home with our son. And while we didn’t do
much today we really experienced a lot over the past year so taking the day off
was very much needed. We have a lot to be thankful for and a lot of memories to
cherish. It is a different holiday at this point in our lives and one that has
taken on an entirely new meaning. We are thankful for many of the things that
have happen this year and, at the same time, we are thankful that the year is
almost over.
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