you ever had one of those days when you are two minutes behind everything.
Literally, two minutes behind schedule all day. That is the kind of day that I
had today. Don’t misunderstand me, it was an excellent day. But no matter what
I did I couldn’t make up those two minutes that escaped my grasp at 7:47 this
morning. And that is especially bad when you day is full of meetings as mine
was today.
could have been worse and I did make it to all my meetings within a reasonable margin.
Two minutes is like the five second rule of scheduling. You can quickly drop
the ball and fall a little behind but at some point you are going to pass the
point of no return and you will get a look of disgust if you try and act like
it’s no big deal.

if you think I ramble on and on in writing you should meet me in person. I can
usually keep myself in check (especially when I’m tired and/or have a really
back headache) but when I get going it is really hard to stop me. Just ask some
of the people I’ve gotten to know over the years. I am sure they will give and
exhausted sounding sigh and confirm.
I managed to get out of the office close to schedule today… only two minutes
behind. And now I am sitting on the computer trying to make up for lost time by
finishing up two Phillies blogs while keeping two eyes open and finishing my
second beer in an office that is hotter than the second ring of hell. Don’t the
old people in the building realize that cold preserves longer than heat. Just
look at Ted Williams. Have you ever gotten an ice splinter? Those things hurt
more than they should for something that size.
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