Yom Kippur, the holiest
day of the year in the Jewish calendar, is also the most difficult for many of
us. It is a time when we ask for forgiveness both from G-d and from man. This
year, I continue to plea for G-d’s forgiveness and I do my best to come to
terms with any wrongs that I have committed against others. However, I am left
going in circles at time when it comes to asking for forgiveness from others. It
has been a difficult year and one that has proven rather treacherous when it
comes to following my heart and what I believe to be right.
are many instances in my life, not just during the past year, when I have held
fast to my beliefs, opinions, and decisions. I believe them in my heart to be
the right thing to do. I have remained true to myself, my family, and, in many
instances, it has been the best option for others as well. Some would see these
situations, sometimes even those who find themselves on the other end, to be
something I should apologize for or, more appropriately given the time of year,
ask them for forgiveness.
issue I have is for what should I ask for their forgiveness? I really have no
idea. Could things have been handled differently or written in a more delicate
manner? Yes, but then I wouldn’t be truthful to myself or honest in my dealings
with others. Could I have chosen to not say anything? Yes and no. It would have
avoided, at least momentarily, certain situations but, again, that would have
been dishonest. And I wouldn’t have been doing everything in my power to
protect my family.
I apologize for my opinions? No. I may not like the opinions that many others
have but I don’t expect them to apologize to me for sharing their views. This “offended
by anything and everything that doesn’t fit into my small world view” syndrome is
tiresome and I will not abide by nor cater to those afflicted by this
I forgive everyone? Heck no. This is the most difficult question and the one,
this year, with the most emphatic response. I can forgive most people and I can
come to terms with many situations in my life. However, there are moments and
situations that will forever be seared in my mind. To say I can forgive every
person who ever wronged me would require me to lie. I can’t do it. I am many
things, some good and some bad, but I will not try to deceive G-d by saying
that I am able to forgive everyone this year.
in the end, I guess the one I should really be asking for forgiveness from is
G-d. I ask to be forgiven for the fact that there are times when I question
your motives, the moment when I have been flat out angry at what you have allowed
happen, and more instances than I would like to admit when I have strayed from
your words. I ask to be forgiven for the harm that I may have caused others by
being honest and doing my best to protect myself and my family. And I plea for
forgiveness because I am unable to forgive all those who have wronged me and my
I ask for peace for both those whom I am unable to forgive and those who feel
entitled to something other than the above. And I pray that we, as a family,
grow closer to G-d, continue to see His hand in the beauty of the world that
surrounds us, and trust His plan for us even when it doesn’t make a lick of
sense in the moment. And I pray for the time, for another year of life, to grow
and love and find the peace to one day forgive.
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