Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Follow Up After The Meeting

There are always items added to my list of things that need to be done after a stated meeting. This is especially true after the first meeting following the summer. This is the reason why my schedule becomes a bit more chaotic for the first few weeks of September and why I am usually absent from the lodge the Tuesday night immediately after the meeting (since we haven’t had an extra meeting in some time). And that was exactly my schedule this time around as the list created last Thursday was soon expanded via email and quick conversations over the subsequent days.

However, what might be my biggest obstacle is actually a rather simple adjustment… getting back to my masonic routine. When the meetings flow from one month to the next I have a pretty standard schedule of when I need to get things done and what needs to be taken care of and when for the following month. The summer puts a halt to that and it can sometimes be an abrupt beginning when the heat begins to waver and we once again converge upon our second home. This, of course, is in addition to the aforementioned list of events and activities that usually ramp up in the fall which makes scheduling a bit of a challenge.

So far, this year is proving to be less of a challenge. Don’t get me wrong, there are still issues that need to be resolved and schedules that stubbornly refuse to align, but this is far from the work load that greeted me at this same point last year. This is also my second year as Secretary of the lodge which isn’t a lot of time but that one year makes a huge difference when trying to make sure things are done right and everything runs smoothly. Thankfully, knock on wood, there haven’t been the same issues arise that rudely greeted us last September.

So it is back to the routine with the year going by faster than anyone had expected and new projects and expectations being brought to the fore week after week. It can seem daunting from the outside but, at this point, I have been here before under much more trying circumstances and this time around the hurdles are much smaller and definitely further apart. Nothing is ever easy but hopefully the remaining days on the calendar are less trying and provide us with ample opportunity to celebrate all that we have accomplished over the last twelve months and a look forward to (and plan for) all the great things on the calendar for the following year.

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