highlight for me almost every morning is walking into our son’s bedroom,
turning off the music, and welcoming him to a new day. Most of the time, no
matter how much he is fussing, when he hears my voice and turns his head he
gives me a wide smile and a light in his eyes that make the grogginess of the
hour immediately disappear. It is a moment that I look forward to every single
day and what allows me to begin the day anew no matter what the previous day
had been like.
course, there are also the times when I am slightly taken aback when that smile
turns quickly into a guilty grim piercing the emanation rising from his crib. Sometimes
it is nothing more than air while other times it is a much more pungent and persistent
odor that requires immediate attention. Sadly I must admit that he gets that
smirk from his daddy as I know all too well what it means no matter if a toxic
cloud is present or not.
reaction has only become more entertaining as time has gone by and our son had
continued to grow. Now the questions of “did you fart?” or “did you poop?”
elicit that same complicit expression. It seems as though he already
comprehends the humor that those bodily functions can bring to a situation
(along with the stink). But those are not the only times that this this
expression appears.
thing that annoys my wife from time to time is the fact that our son seemingly
saves some of his energy toward the end of the day so that he can play when daddy
gets home. There have been several occasions when my wife would have a
particularly rough day with our son not wanting to cooperate but when I open
the door and he hears my voice, our son’s demeanor completely changes. I would
be lying if I said that I didn’t like the fact that he reacts to me in that way
but, at the same time, I can see how it can be a little annoying (to say the
least) for my wife.
I sit him on my lap and talk to him about it usually asking if he had been a
good boy today, that same guilty grin appears. Except this time he usually
drives it home with some cooing and baby gibberish. The force is definitely
strong with this one as neither of us can really remain completely annoyed at
that point with such effervescent cuteness… this is not the guilty baby you are
looking for. At least when this guilt grin appears we don’t have to deal with
the same fallout that fills the morning.
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