The dark months are upon us but the lodge remains active. I think I have received more
emails over the past few days (at least ones that aren’t junk) than I have over
the past month prior. Attendance for fellowship seems to remain steady as the
reports back have been positive from both those instructing and new brothers
trying to pick things up. While the petitions may be down this year, the new
brothers that we have raised over the past year and a half continue to impress
us all.
‘dark months’ really show all the minor issues that a lodge may have. Our lodge
is by no means perfect, but there are fewer and fewer imperfections that can be
seen during the summer. With that said, even if they cannot be seen does not
mean that they are not there. The difference is the light which is cast by each
brother which overpowers those minor faults and allows them to be addressed.
That is what we are now witnessing.
first half of the year is now behind us and while there have been great moments
and not so great instances the lodge remains strong and on track to return to
the position of prominence in the district and local community that we once
held. We have accomplished a lot in these first sixth months following a
spectacular year and the second half of this year looks to be an appropriate
encore to the success we experienced in 2014. Maybe not the same kind of
success, letter for letter, but a different kind with the common trait of
helping us to grow, to strengthen, and to flourish.
As I
wrote before, we are already planning for next year but, at the same time,
making sure that this current year is full of fellowship and fraternity. There are
a roster of events that we are all looking forward to which begin next week when
a growing group of us will be attending meetings at other lodges both within
the district (shoe time) and on the other side of the Commonwealth. We are going
to these meetings as a lodge, not as individuals.
that said, it is nice to have a little flexibility in my schedule now allowing
me to catch up and plan for the fall. Many of these summer events also give me
the opportunity to bring my family and not have to choose where I spend my
time. It is the best way to spend the summer and something I have been looking
forward to all year.
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