was the last time you said the Pledge of Allegiance? While I no longer recite
the declaration of loyalty on a weekly basis at Rotary meetings, I still stand
at attention and give the flag the respect it deserves every month when we open
the lodge. There are even occasions when a couple of the brothers, also members
of the Sojourners, recite “A Toast to the Flag”. It is a presentation that
holds deep meaning for those brothers preforming the poem as well as those
witnessing the recitation.
this day, Flag Day, we commemorate the adoption of our flag which happened on this day in
1777 by resolution of the Second Continental Congress. This flag, while different
than what we know it to be today, then served as a unified representation by
which our two year old Continental Army would rally around. And while the early
years saw many different designs (especially regarding the arrangement of
stars), it has constantly flown as a representation of this country for well
over two centuries.
it wasn’t until 1916 that Flag Day came into being when President Woodrow
Wilson issued a proclamation that officially established June 14th
as Flag Day. Congress officially established the federal holiday in August
1949. During this period of time, the National Flag Code was
constructed by representatives of over 68 organizations, under the auspices of
the National Americanism Commission of the American
Legion who created the code on Flag Day 1923. The code drafted by that
conference was printed by the national organization of the American Legion and
given nationwide distribution.
few changes made to the original code drafted in 1923 (most notably was the
removal of the Bellamy salute dues to its similarities to the Hitler salute), on
June 22, 1942, the Code became Public Law 77-623; chapter 435. Since that time,
there have been few changes made with some notable exceptions being the Freedom to Display the American Flag
Act of 2005 (prohibits real
estate management organizations from restricting homeowners from displaying the
Flag of the United States on their own property), the Army Specialist Joseph P.
Micks Federal Flag Code Amendment Act of 2007 (added a provision to fly the
flag at half-staff upon the death of a member of the Armed Forces from any
State, territory, or possession who died while serving on active duty), and the
Duncan Hunter National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2009 (Sec. 595) (allows the military salute for the
flag during the national anthem by members of the Armed Forces not in uniform
and by veterans).
it were a simple document I would include the code within this post but as many
of you know the Flag Code is anything but simple and it is in fact quite
extensive in the proper protocol for displaying, honoring, and even retiring a
flag (among other things). In fact, many of use probably break the law at some
point during our lives. While some may see the code as antiquated, it is a
simple gesture to demonstrate our appreciation not just of our flag but of what
it stands for and those who have defended and died for it. The holiday may be a
single block on the calendar but the flag waves throughout the year as a
constant reminder of the freedom that we have in this country and the liberty
that it symbolizes. While some seem to forget this on a daily basis there are
many of us who will never forget and continue to fight for the rights of all
which are integral to this country just as every thread is essential to the
creation of our flag.
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