woke up this morning looking forward to getting up and seeing my son smiling
back at me in his bed. After all, he is the reason for why this day is so
special and why I have been waiting for this day for such a long time. What I
wasn’t expecting was the gift that my wife and my son made for me. It may not
seem like much to those without kids but having a picture and hand impression
to put on my desk is something that I will always cherish. I really wish I had
done the same thing for my wife last month… I guess the distraction was enough of
a gift then as it is now.
wasn’t long before we were up, packed, and heading down to the front desk to
check out. It was going to be a long day of touring and driving but one that I have
been eagerly anticipating. After another quick breakfast in the lobby, we
started the day by returning to Station Square. Yesterday, we had planned out
the day and knew that we could pick up the tour bus at this location. With a
long drive ahead of us we didn’t have a lot of time so the best way to see as
much of the city as possible was to take the two hour tour on the double decker
timing was pretty good and we were able to depart about twenty minutes after
buying our tickets. This gave us enough time for a quick diaper change and
allowed me to call my dad and wish him a happy father’s day. The bus was wide
open with only about a dozen people on the top deck and the entire lower level
to ourselves. The views might not have been as good but we spread everything
out and kept our son out of the sun for the duration. It also helped when it
came time to feed him during one of the extended stops.
tour covered the entire city and while we didn’t have a chance to get out and
explore we were able to see the stadiums, museums, schools, neighborhoods, and
bridges. All the while, we were entertained by the nervousness of the first
time tour guide. He did a decent job especially given the script that he had to
work with. One thing that we did notice was that the city is in a heavy state
of construction/repair. In addition to the horrendous roads throughout the
area, there were countless buildings being raised in the downtown area.
the time we arrived back to our departure point it was time for lunch… the last
thing that we would do before heading home. We had already previously eliminated
a number of options so we decided to do something a little different and make
our own meal… so off we went to the Melting Pot, a fondue restaurant that we
walked on our way to the book store yesterday. It really was something
different and the Father’s Day special that they had was something that was
just right… I even got a gift certificate during our meal from the manager just
for the heck of it. It was an excellent meal and experience (even with our son
making is presence known) and it definitely filled us up for the trek back
across the Commonwealth.

long ride home was uneventful as I was able to set the cruise control and turn
on some music as my wife and son slept in the back seat. We made pretty good
time and the scenery seemed to fly by faster than the confines of time would

Back home, we unpacked the car and carried our son into the house. I
will never forget the look on his face when we told him that we were home… obviously
he wasn’t done yet. I guess he enjoys exploring just as much as his daddy… that
really was another great gift that I received on this my first Father’s Day.
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