the crux of this post revolved around a single word, let’s first take a look at
the definition (as it is used in the post below) of the word compliment:
a :
an expression of esteem, respect, affection, or admiration; especially :
an admiring
b :
formal and respectful
recognition : honor
a wonderful word, I don’t feel I have ever earned a compliment as it is
defined. Best case scenario, it is questionable as to whether I should have
gotten any. I know many people who have but, in my view, I don’t believe the
definition applies to me.
there have been a number of people saying similarly kind comments to me and
each time I kept asking myself why it was said. After all, I was going my job
the way I think it needs to be done… the way it needs to be done in order to be
impactful. In other instances, I was just doing what should be done when a friend
or family member is in need. I have no problem giving compliments but when it
comes to receiving them I am really not a fan. This is particularly true when I
feel that I am being praised for what I see as doing my job. With that said, I
know it is the right thing to do and I appreciate it when people take the time
to said such flattering things or thank me but I don’t expect it.
I have seen too many times over the last few years of people expecting this
type of praise as if they are entitled to it. Mostly this has been found in the
young newly graduated just entering the work force thinking that they are right
and that their company and colleagues are wrong. These are the kinds of people
that expect to be applauded for farting in a tuba and staying on key.
I take pride in the fact that I have been able to surround myself at work, at
lodge, and in my family with countless people who feel the same way that I do
about compliments. After all, when we help someone it is more gratifying for us
to see that person succeed. We know the small role that we have played in their
life and that is more than enough for us. Of course, with all of that said, a
simple thank you (privately, not publically) goes a long way. This is also
something that seems to be lost on many young people (whether it is actual age
or just mentally) as they expect to be thanked for introducing us to the world
of tuba tooting.
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