talking about genealogy with people it is common for the conversation to touch
upon the show “Who Do You Think You Are?” Over the years, all different kinds
of people have watched the show regardless of their interest level in genealogy
as a whole or their own family tree… they usually watch because they are a fan
of some actor, actress, or athlete and want to learn a little more about them. More often
than not, this leads them to jump to the conclusion of “I wish I had stories
like that in my family tree.”
people I have spoken with make that determination that those types of stories
do not exist in their tree mostly because the show focuses on a single line in
that celebrity’s genealogy. I guess you could say that is the one thing that
many of us familiar with genealogy have a problem with when it comes to the
show “Who Do You Think You Are?” It is for this reason that I tend to pay
closer attention to and enjoy “Finding Your Roots” a little more than the main
stream counterpart.
any PBS show, “Finding Your Roots” isn’t as well-known but it takes a much more
interesting and broader look at the ancestry of celebrities (of all kinds not
just main stream). During the course of an episode, three family trees are analyzed
with a common thread running between the three stars. Sometimes it can be as
broad as overcoming adversity while other times it is tied to a specific event
such as the roles their ancestors played in the Civil War.
that is one difference (one vs. three) the other, more important and more
interesting differentiator is the fact that the latter of the two shows looks
at the family tree as a whole not just a singular line (or two). From my own experience,
I know that this is the most interesting part of genealogy as you never know
what names, places, and events may be adding color to the individual leaves.
After all, we are the culmination of all these people who played, for the most
part, equal roles in determining the family story and making us who we are.
Do You Think You Are” may have the bigger audience, interesting locations, and
larger budget, “Finding Your Roots” brings us closer to the interesting
realities of doing genealogical research. Furthermore, the latter show also
explores the use of DNA in discovering the mix of places, races, and heritage
that exists within all of us. This is why my preference is quite clear but, in
the end, taking a look at the sponsorship, Ancestry.com wins no matter which
show you prefer.

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