you ask someone if they have ever lied and they say no you know that they are
lying. It is one of those things in life that we all do it as one point or
another. Some tell little lies (try to get that Fleetwood Mac song out of your
head now, I dare you) usually to protect someone else’s feelings while other
people tell lies that are so large that they are simply unforgivable. Of
course, most of the instances of uncalled BS are in the middle and I can deal
with them.
seem to have shifted lately as there seems to be piles of bovine feces
beginning to pile up all around me. But what smells more is the stench coming
from the rotten cores of the people spewing these self-centered and vile piles
of steer stew. It is so bad that I have found myself choking and trying to find
some fresh air whenever I have been around them. These people lie not only to
make themselves look better but make you look worse at the same time… we all
know people like that.
there is some light in the situation. Some of these people are just having
moments when situations are getting to them. These times will pass, things will
return to normal, and I should be able to trust them again in the near future.
However, there are some people that seem to never change or that have reverted
to some old and nasty ways. Even if there is something going on in their life,
there is no excuse for those actions. But there is a bright spot to this too
because now I know and I can avoid them and, more importantly, protect my child
from them in the future.
most amusing part of this post right now is that I know a handful of people who
have already become so offended that they are not even reading these words that
I am writing right now. It doesn’t matter if it was meant for them or not, they
think it does so they have long since closed out this page and are now steeping
in their own little world waiting for the boiling point to come and the hatred
to spew from their fingers. Come to think of it, this could be fun seeing how
far out of context things have been taken and what drastic assumptions have
been make. Things might have just gotten very interesting.
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