Monday, June 9, 2014

Running Around: Work, PACT, And Lodge

The view from my seat at the PACT luncheon.
Normally the first Thursday of every month is pretty hectic for me as I am scrambling to take care of all the last minute items and preparing for the stated meeting immediately after work. Last week was crazier than usual as my usual work day consisted of a fair amount of running around to different places as well as jumping from one project to another… I was still trying to play catch up from the previous month. However, the week didn’t start off this way. In fact, it looked like it was going to be a pretty calm stretch with plenty of time to get everything done for the lodge well in advance of the meeting.

Well, that didn’t happen and I really should have anticipated the onslaught. The week began with the usual barrage of things that I needed to add to my list. By Thursday morning my schedule was completely turned on its head. I woke up on Thursday with my back deciding to have an uncooperative day which in itself had me moving a little bit slower in the morning hours. My commute, while a little late getting started was normal but my time in the office was cut short as 45 minutes after getting situated at my desk I was back out the door, in the car, and heading off to a PACT luncheon in Philadelphia.

Even though it took me about 30 minutes to find a parking space at the Hyatt, the luncheon was nice event as I always enjoy spending time with my colleagues and friends outside of the office but it could have been better as I was not at the top of my networking game and I was having to send numerous emails from my iPhone for the majority of the event. As many of you know, just because I am away from my desk doesn’t mean I stop working. So, once the event ended, it was time to head back to the office for a couple of hours of serious multitasking of answering the emails that could wait, getting a few more things checked off my list, and pulling together the final items needed for the stated meeting.

At this point it was time to change, collect my stuff, get in the car, and head off to the lodge. While I got there in plenty of time (the first time I ran on schedule all day), I was a little surprised to see both the number of brothers in attendance as well as the District Deputy Grand Master there to attend our meeting. While I didn’t have a chance to partake in the excellent meal beforehand, I got everything prepared and made my way to the lodge room for the meeting. The meeting was a little longer than usual, especially with the lengthy notes that I had to read, but we were still able to finish up in a reasonable amount of time and officially go dark for the sweltering summer months (essential when you don’t have air conditioning).

Once all the checks were signed, the register updated, and bills paid it was finally time to head home. And while we may not be having stated meetings for the next couple of months, there are still plenty of things that I will be doing over the summer. Whether in PR or serving as Secretary, the work never stops even when you are away from your desk. But, at least for the day, the work was done and it was time to go home and recover.

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