Wednesday, June 25, 2014

A Few Degrees Before Going Dark

Extra meetings can become somewhat routine if you let them and in June that feeling is what keeps many brothers from turning out to lodge to witness or participate in degree conferrals. While this isn’t an issue for me (I rather enjoy being a part of a brother’s Masonic journey) I have heard of this and seen this be the case with some of the brothers that I have spoken with or seen at these fraternal milestones… I saw plenty of heavy eyes during my own degree conferral (of course it was a one day class that took up much of the day). There are times however when things are changed up and something a little different is introduced into the evening.

Last night I had the pleasure to watch the Shield & Square Degree Team confer a degree on a new brother. This dedicated group of current and retired law enforcement brothers really know their stuff and the entire degree was not only spot on but you could tell that they really put a lot of work into making the night come alive. It was especially gratifying to witness this degree as the brother who was at the center of the evening first reached out to me shortly after I took office. I have literally been a part of the process from beginning to the times that the DDGM handed him his dues card and I am incredibly proud of that fact. I know he is going to be (actually he has already proven to be) an excellent and dedicated brother.

If that wasn’t enough, we also conferred two more degrees last night. While the late hour and steamy weather (again, no air conditioning in the lodge room) made the evening seem that much longer, it was a night that seemed to end before it really got going. Actually, I don’t know if it was the night or if it was the fact that this was the final meeting before going dark for the next two months but just as I feel I am finally finding my stride it is time to take a break.

Even though there are times when I am constantly running around before heading up stairs, I am going to really miss those meeting nights at the lodge. Don’t get me wrong, there is plenty of work that I will be doing but the fellowship is what this job is really about. Thankfully, there are plenty of Masonic events that I will be attending and writing about over the summer and the fall looks to be particularly busy. It is for this reason that I can’t wait for the weather to cool down.  

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