has now been two thirds of a year and the weather is slowly returning to what
it was when our son entered the world. The seasons have changed so quickly that
it is hard to believe that soon the slight chill in the breeze will become a
bitter wind and we will find ourselves looking out the window at the falling
snow thinking about the inches that coated the ground when we left for the
hospital that morning. Eight months and a heck of a lot has changed since it
was just the two of us.
certainly hasn’t been the easiest experience but it is also one that we wouldn’t
trade for anything and we now understand the fondness with which people look
back on those early months. It may not seem like it at the time, but those days
are full of great moments and memories that will undoubtedly continue to fill
our minds as our son grows. All the changes and milestones are things that are
both surprising when they happen and amazing when we think about how big he has
gotten and what he is now able to do all by himself.
it has been a bit of a challenge with the constant colds and teething but it is
the brief moments, even glimpses that put things in perspective and make it all
worth the bags under our eyes and the fog in our minds. Even now, watching him
peacefully sleeping in his crib, all of those tough hours seem to fade away. And
knowing that, when we walk up to the crib to get him up tomorrow morning he
will give us the biggest smile that his face can handle, all of those instances
when we have doubted ourselves will be forgotten. It is the dichotomy that many
people tried to explain to us before he was born but that we were unable to
fully comprehend until now.
there were nights and hours that felt like they would last an eternity, eight
months has seemed to be but an instant, almost a singular moment in time. Our
memories may contradict that sentiment but the reality is that this is all
going by so fast… sometimes too fast. If anything, there are times when I wish
I could slow down the hands on the clock, look around, and take everything in.
Of course, there are also moment that I wish we had a fast forward button but
they are definitely outweighed by all the joy and happiness that we get to hug
each and every day. Happy 8 months baby!
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