Tuesday nights at the lodge usually consist of some kind of training or study
in addition to fellowship, last night was predominantly about the latter. There
are so many things going on right now and projects that need to be completed
that it was time for many of us to sit down an assess where we stand on a
variety of topics. By the end of the evening it was quite clear who the new
masons were in the room as many are unaware of some of the changes that have
taken place and the progress that has been made already.
is clear that there are a lot of things that need to be worked in regard to
both the physical building and the body of the lodge. There is a sense of
complacency that has been festering for over a year now and many of us are
doing all that we can to keep it at bay. But just like many ongoing issues, sometimes
there are good months and others prove to be more difficult. It is a tiring ebb
and flow.
were some good points made around the table last night and the best thing about
the conversation is that there are definitely brothers that are willing to put
forth the effort to improve the experience of all the brothers at the lodge.
This has been known for some time about many of the brothers present but it is
nice to have that reassuring dialogue from time to time. With that said, the
eagerness of some may need to be tempered just a bit in order for them to truly
be effective both in the coming year as well as in future endeavors. It is an
ambitious group of men to say the least.
for me, my job is to listen to the conversations, the ideas, and the dilemmas
and interject when needed. For the most part I simply sit back and let the
brethren vent, make plans, and discuss the projects and programs that they
would like to see come to life moving forward. However, if certain things
progress in such a way that they disrupt the harmony of the lodge I may be
forced to voice my opinion and do so rather loudly. As of today nothing needs
to be said but I don’t expect that to be the case moving forward. While I don’t
expect some to agree with me, I know that there are certain stances that need
to be taken, votes to be caste, and motions to be made. Hold on… things could
get very interesting.
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