son already has a bad habit. While we keep the television time to a minimum, he
still insists on reaching for the remote every time that he thinks that he can
grab it. It got to eh point that we had to order a toy remote so that he would
stop trying to play with the real thing. We even turned the sound off on the toy
to make it more realistic (a.k.a. keep us from throwing it out the window and
running it over with the car nine or ten times). It works most of the time but,
every once in a while, he still reaches for the real thing… he probably knows
that the toy is simply a BS ploy.
is also interesting to see what shows he enjoys watching. There are a few
children’s programs that he tolerates (Chuggington and Mickey Mouse Club) but,
overall, he likes more of the adult programs especially those that daddy like
to watch too. For our son there is nothing more entertaining than a new episode
of Deadliest Catch or watching the occasional appearances of Norm Abram on This
Old House. There are plenty of other shows but the main thing that they all
have in common is that he like the reality programs more than anything. Not the
useless reality shows mind you but the ones where you can tell that he is
storing some random knowledge that he will use later in life.
have tried other shows but there is nothing that really holds his attention.
Thankfully, he agrees with daddy that Elmo is probably the most annoying thing
to fill the screen. Well, it is at least pretty close to the women on The View.
Those are the faces that when they show up on the television he either squirms
and looks away or he outright screams at the horror that he is now witness to.
He is definitely smart beyond his years.
funny thing is that when there is something on that he doesn’t want to watch he
puts aside his ploy of a toy and does his best to reach for the real remote. And
you better either give it to him or change that channel really fast or the
frustration becomes evident in his mood change. Just hope that there isn’t a
Joy Behar rant going on or you will see him go from calm to crazy at ludicrous
speed. And no one wants to see a baby go plaid.
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