It really
isn’t a surprise, especially with the campaigns in high gear, that following
another incident of evil there are numerous politicians taking aim at gun owners
and the NRA. This has been a potent topic for years and was particularly prominent
during the first Democratic debate this week with Former Secretary of State
Hillary Clinton continuing to be a vocal proponent of gun control.
Oddly enough, this was in direct contrast with Socialist Senator Bernie Sanders
who has a long record of voting against such legislation. Of course, that kind
of stance never lasts with a socialist leader so I don’t give much credence to
his past performance. Basically it doesn’t matter who ends up being the nominee
for the Communist party, the rights of ALL law abiding citizens will be a
particular point of contention between the parties.
all of this back and forth was happening on the national debate stage, there were
also a few headlines being grabbed by a New York State Senator, Liz Kreuger,
who is advocating her fellow rights abolitionists to join the NRA and force a
change in stance on the issue of gun control from the inside. As was reported by the New York Daily News,
“Krueger first raised the issue at
a roundtable on gun violence issues hosted by Rep. Carolyn Maloney
(D-Manhattan) after someone suggested meeting with the NRA to try to find
common ground on a gun control law, the New York Observer reported.” Yes,
this is how far and how demented their ideas have become.
First of all, as was noted in the same article,
Thomas King, president of the state Rifle and Pistol Association and an NRA
board member, “the NRA has more than five million members and scoffed at
the suggestion there are enough "anti-gunners" to make an impact on
the organization.” This is true, and those of us who are proud members
would not stand for that kind of drastic “change” in policy… that is not why we
donate our hard earned money. We choose to support and strengthen our rights be
fighting those who wish to continue limiting our freedom.
Secondly, keep in mind that the same people who
support this kind of radical action are the ones that would be filing suit if
every Republican in this country were to register as a Democrat in order to
change the party and support candidates that would oppose those policies that
they currently hold so close to their empty hearts. Either action should be
seen simply as perpetuating a fraud against those who support the basic
principles of the organization. And what they are underestimating is that by
proposing such actions they are actually galvanizing support for the NRA by the
current membership (especially those of us who are life members), including me, which is why I have decided to join the NRA Golden Eagles.
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