was not a dark and stormy night as the foreboding cliché goes rather it was a
cold and crappy day. Today was just one of those days with single digit
temperatures last night and this morning adding a bitter spice to the whole
situation. I don’t know if I am getting sick or if the weather is messing with
me more than I realize but it was a rough one. Every once in a while these days
happen and all you can do is try to get through them in once piece and try not
to let it carry over to the next day.
began as a normal morning with my alarm annoying the crap out of me just before
seven and me hitting the snooze button, soon took a turn for the worse. While I
could hear my wife getting ready for work, the time that was passing wasn’t
really registering. Even when I responded to her question at some point, I
still wasn’t up and ready to go. With a slam of the front door, and another one
just a little bit later, my wife was off to work and I was still lying in bed.
next thing I knew, my eyes opened and noticing the bright light filling the
room I knew I was screwed. Looking at the clock only confirmed my theory and so
I quickly located my phone (which had shifted during the morning) jumped from
the warmth of the covers and into the reality that this was already a bad day. As
I rushed to get dressed and ready I began returning calls, making calls, and
generally trying to return my mind to the present.
about twenty minutes I had gone from unconsciousness to sitting in the car
waiting for the frost to retreat. Once there was enough windshield where I
could peer out to see the road and the cars around me, I threw the car into
drive and swung around the corner to cross in front of my building. Then my
mind really started waking up and decided to remind me to stop by the mailbox
to send a letter I had promised to put in the mail. Quick stop and back out
into the wind whipped freeze.
I made good time to the office I was obviously very late and had caused
widespread worry among my coworkers and family. With the rest of the day full
of blah with a few hiccups here and there and a couple other lovely moments I
do not wish to highlight at this time, it was an overall crappy day. However, while
I have known that we are more than just a collection of people in an office,
today solidified that we care about one another as we would our friends and
family. There was no anger in my momentary disappearance, it was genuine concern.
Sometimes it takes a little bit of bad luck to show you how lucky you are.
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