was an interesting way to start the week as I was fortunate to join my wife for
our son’s six month at the pediatrician’s office down the street. We did our
best to schedule the appointment early enough so that this would be a
possibility and, up until Friday afternoon last week, this was seeming more
like an impossibility… thankfully an important meeting got moved without me
having to say anything. So, with everything working out logistically, instead
of arriving at the office around ten until nine, we were walking into the waiting
room watching our son turning his head back and forth trying to take everything
I have to be honest about what I feel as we walk into these appointments
(beyond the feelings of frustration when they take way too long). I have mixed
emotions about going to these appointments. On the one hand I want to support
my wife and be there for my son while on the other, selfish hand, I can’t stand
seeing my baby boy crying in pain.
I wouldn’t say that he is happy to be there, he has at least gotten to the
point where he tolerates going to see the doctor and he is actually pretty
happy and smiling at everyone until one of two things happens... being naked or
getting shots. He wasn’t even phased when he threw up on me taking him to the
scale or throwing up on my wife as she was bringing him back to the examination
room. He is an equal opportunity chucker.
with the spewing, it was fun watching my wife’s when the doctor confirmed that
he was only half a pound away from 20 and well on his way to being taller than
mommy. He is a big boy but, more importantly, he is a healthy baby and one that
surprised the doctor by what he is already able to do. While there are a few
areas where he is not really excelling in (not really behind either), the
doctor was surprised at how advanced his hand eye coordination had become as
well as his ability to self sooth.
of that pretty much went to pot once the vaccine and needles came out. In addition
to the nasty taste in him mouth he also left the appointment with two sore
legs. But now he is all ready for day care although I don’t think that my wife
and I are fully ready for that change as of yet. However, I will say that this
time around he calmed down much faster and the tears stopped by the time we
walked back around to the front desk. Needless to say, it was a tiring morning
for all of us and afterward my wife and son went back home while I made some
phone calls on my way to the office.
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