a day that was only supposed to consist of a half day of working from home.
This Friday had been on the calendar for months but, like many days, my
schedule didn’t hold. While I did get the required amount of billable time in
for the office over the course of the holiday week, there were other things
that came up and consumed blocks of time during the day.
So I
woke up early in the morning and instead of opening my computer and taking care
of some writing for work, I got in the car and headed to the bank. Even this
simple commute had its moments of frustration as my E-Z Pass was being
difficult and required that I stop and discuss the matter with a toll
collector. I got to the bank before any other brother rounded the corner to
park their car.
was hoping that this was going to be a quick stop but we are dealing with a
bank here so I wasn’t able to get back on the road for over an hour. However,
during that time I was able to talk to one of my brothers who was kind enough
to agree to help me pick up a couch from Ollie’s that I had purchased a couple
weeks prior during a heck of a sale. So back on the road, the back roads
actually given my issues with E-Z Pass, and into the townhouse where my wife
and I waited for Verizon to knock on the door.
it was unpleasant at time, it was also kind of nice being untethered from the
internet for the past week but it is a necessity and we were quite happy to see
the truck pull into the parking lot (especially my wife). The technician wasted
no time updating the box outside and within an hour we were configuring the
internet and updating the Wi-Fi on our numerous devices. Two hours after that
and the cable was up and running as well. These things never get done in the
1-2 hours that they say it will take.
this point it was time for a quick dinner, picking up a few more things for the
house, and finishing up my work for the long day. It was originally going to be
a nice relaxing half day but I should know better than to expect those to come
to fruition anymore. But things got done and our house is becoming more like a
home with every small item checked off the to-do list.
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