had been looking forward to last night all year. Not because it happened to be
my birthday but because it was a night that I was going to be able to share
with my dad. I knew that the stated meeting at the lodge in November was going
to be Veterans Night and I wanted to make sure that my dad was there to be
recognized for his service (a recognition that he has certainly earned but has
seldom received).
seems to be the nature of things, I was looking forward to last night so much
that all of the things that are beyond my control (i.e. traffic, accidents,
detours, weather, etc.) did everything to delay me. While I had left the office
with plenty of time to make it to the lodge before everything began I walked
through the doors with little time to breath let a long enjoy dinner with my
dad. I would have liked to spend more time with him and my uncle that night but
I know he understood that I have responsibilities and a job to do that night.
I was able to let my dad know that I had finally arrived, I proceeded to make
my usual rounds around the room greeting my brothers and welcoming the guests
to the lodge. Of course, I never made it more than a step or two in any
direction before someone would stop me for one reason or another. That might be
the most enjoyable and frustrating part about being Secretary. It was in the
midst of this flurry of action that I realized something for the first time in
my life… I have memories of my father doing the same thing that I was while I
would sit at a table and talk to a few people. Tonight our roles were reversed.
Hopefully this means that I am turning into my dad.
dinner and right after I finished all my last minute duties, we all headed up
to the lodge room to begin the open portion of the night and recognize those
veterans in attendance. While there have been numerous times that I have felt
the same way, when I heard my dad give his name, branch, and years of service I
was proud to be my father’s son. This was just another reason why I take great
pride in the name that I have been given and the family from with I come. It
might have been the best birthday gift that I have ever been given!
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