morning we all got to the office a little later than usual. At least most of us
as there were a couple that never made it in the door. It was a great party the
night before but we were all a little tired (to say the least) from the long
day out. It seemed to be a day when tasks took a little longer to complete and
time just seemed to move a little slower than the previous day.
didn’t take long before we all started looking at the clock trying to figure
out when we would be able to pack up our things and head out the door for the
much needed weekend. At the same time, many of us didn’t want to begin the trek
home too soon as the rush hour traffic was a little off due to the deluge of
children itching to take to the neighborhoods. Needless to say, I decided to
stay a little longer than usual to make sure that I would be able to relax over
the weekend without a mountain of projects hanging over me.
the mountain still had a fairly substantial summit by the time I left, I was
able to take care of all the things that were pushed back from the previous day
due to the party prep and commute. With all the extra things swirling around us
on Thursday, we all stumbled into the office in the morning with a growing list
of things that we needed to accomplish right away or else our entire week would
have been derailed. We all put our heads down and took care of what needed to
be done but the list inevitably flowed right past the end of the day and into
the weekend.
the day and the week that had just come to a prolonged end, it was not a
surprise that I was the last one to get up from my desk, start the dishwasher,
and make my way out to the barren parking lot. Now, with the weekend
concluding, I am nearly up to date with everything that has to be done. I will
still have to put things in overdrive in the morning to get caught up but I
should be able to get back to even by the middle of the week… well, I hope that
is the case. I guess we will have to wait and see and hope that all the other
events this coming week done impede me as much as last week did. Anyway, back
to the beginning of the week and another growing mount of projects.
there was leftover jars of cake which made my wife happy (at least for a minute
or two)!

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