I am a huge proponent of exercising one's rights. The variety of the rights granted unto us are there to be embraced. We all have the option to exercise the rights that we chose to use. While there are rights I fervently support, sometimes I do not exercise one of my rights. Sometimes there is little motivation and even less time to get to the voting booth.
Monday night I went to bed with my alarm set about thirty minutes earlier than
usual so that I could swing by the community center in the morning before
heading to the office. When the alarm sounded in the cool glow of a new day, I
was having nothing of it and, without hesitation, reached over and hit the
snooze button on my phone. The next thirty minutes, this process was repeated like
the directions on a shampoo bottle. Finally I rolled out of bed and began my
groggy routine.
heading out the door, my wife and I discussed the plans for the day and the
times we expected to be home that night. It was a lodge night so dinner was
pretty much up in the air. I guess we were going to just have to figure it out
later in the day…. Usually during out midafternoon phone call. By this point I
had been watching the minutes tick by on my watch and I knew that the voting
booth was just going to have to do without me in the morning.
it were a simple run in, run out type of thing I would have taken the detour
but I know the people that work the polls and I know the contingent of Democrats
that flood this particular location. Frankly, I didn’t want to deal with the
delay or the debate. Not that morning. Besides, I know who my nominee is
heading into the heat of the campaign season.
my drive to the office I couldn’t help but think about the various races with
the Governor’s race playing the most prominent role in my mind. And while this
may seem wrong to some but I couldn’t help but hope that the weakest, most
radical of the candidates would win the nomination. I won’t name names but let’s
just say that I am really not a fan of the Congresswoman from Abington and her
radical brand of liberalism. If anything, I wanted her to win simply because of
the fact that it would demonstrate just how successful the Governor has been
and the balance that he has brought to the economy of the Commonwealth.
the end, a one percenter secured the nomination and held a party at a minor
league ballpark that he rented out in York. I hope he stays in the minors (maybe we could start calling him "Meat"). I know what you’re thinking and its
okay he owns a Jeep that he drives himself so he’s just like one of us. I
wonder if he supports paying his own ‘fair share’? It should be an interesting race
to watch and I know you will all be shocked when I say this but I already know
who I am voting for come November. But, until then, Play Ball!

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