lodge email has been rather active lately with correspondences not only from brothers
from the lodge and the district but from Grand Lodge and potential candidates
as well. This is in addition to what has become an abnormally busy beginning to
the year more so than the previous two years. While I do my best to keep
current with all inbound communications it has gotten to the point that there
are moments when I find myself a few days behind and having to sit in front of
the computer at night drafting email after email in the hope that I will be caught
up by morning. Keep in mind that this is in addition to the calls and texts that I receive.
given the nature of the letters and notes that I have received, I can’t really
complain about the work that needs to be done on a regular basis. I wouldn’t be
sifting through the digital pages were we not growing and increasing our
activity. These are great signs for the future and speaks volumes of the
present group of brothers that are active in the fraternity. With that in mind,
keep the emails coming.
the other hand, I know that many of the emails that I receive wouldn’t have
even been sent if I were able to make it to the lodge every week so some of the
clutter is completely on me. I simply can’t be two places at once and this is
what I need to do to keep things going. Actually, come to think of it, I get
more frustrated with the lack of communication from some people every now and
again. This adds significantly to the work that I need to get done and the
emails that need to be sent out as it is no longer a means of replying but
reminding, starting, or restarting a conversation.
And the
work continues to pile up on my virtual desk as there are a few other tasks
that need to be completed this spring including various audits the biggest of
which, for me, are going to be the membership and records audits ensuring that
our numbers are accurate and all our information has been correctly migrated to
the new site. This could possibly be the task that I am least looking forward
to but I know that it has to be done by the spring. I expect many corrections, correspondences,
and long nights to stem from this endeavor as well. But, right now, I am going
to focus on projects that need to be taken care of before the meeting next
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