Today is a day that is especially significant for us not
just as Jews but as new parents as well. Today we celebrate the giving of the
Torah on Mt. Sinai. In the midst of the long struggle in the desert, G-d spoke
to Moses and gave the gift of His words and wisdom to those who accept his
covenant. We were given light and guidance during a time when we needed it.
Similarly, our son granted that same gift to us giving us a higher purpose in
our life.
On this day we are not just celebrating our faith but we are
celebrating and embracing our family as well. It doesn’t matter if it is an
event that took place over 3,300 years ago or 3 months ago, there are moments
that will forever impact and influence our lives. These moments are what
determine the means by which we live and set forth the goals by which we
measure the remaining days or our lives.
We embrace our faith, the Torah, and the Ten Commandments by
which we should all live. They serve as a means to guide and inform our actions
and grant us the ability to set forth a clear set of rules to pass on to our
son. Of course, this is only a beginning to the faith and knowledge which we
hold in our hearts. This enduring faith, in various levels of observance
throughout our lives, is what keeps us grounded in the knowledge that there is
a higher power in this world and we can’t control everything around us.
Our son also reminds us every day that we must take life by
the moments… one after the other. While we can anticipate and stick to certain
routines, there is still a lot that remains uncontrollable. Our child is the
light that greets us each and every day and reminds us of the higher purpose
that we now have in our life. Our child is what ties us closer to our faith
than ever before and on this holiday, on Shavuot, there is no denying the
impact that our son has had and will continue to have in our life. This is
summed up perfectly by the following from Chabad.org:
“Before G d gave the Torah to the
Jewish people, He demanded guarantors. The Jews made a number of suggestions,
all rejected by G d, until they declared, “Our children will be our guarantors
that we will cherish and observe the Torah.” G d immediately accepted them and
agreed to give the Torah.”
There is tremendous light in the world. Enough to illuminate
the beauty of all that has been given to us but not enough to blind us from
seeing the bounty. It is a light that must be fed and nourished to remain
bright for fear of fading into darkness. As Jews, as parents, we are the
temporary generational guardians of that light and we will do our part to feed
the fire of faith and family in our son. There is no greater responsibility or
honor in this gift we call life.
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