very Shakespearean but a bit of a dilemma nevertheless. This was the decision
that I had to make last night at the end of the work day. As I got in the car I
still wasn’t completely sure as to which direction I would travel… fellowship
was at 7:30 in Ardmore but the polls closed at 8:00 with my polling place more
than 30 minutes away from the lodge. While I was leaning heavily toward heading
toward home, you never know when the phone is going to ring and you have to
adjust your evening by heading over to the lodge.
Even though there weren’t any seats of major significance
up for grabs in my area, there were still campaigns being run and candidates
that shouldn’t be allowed near any public office. This seems to be the pattern
every election and yet people never learn and keep voting those individuals
into public office. With no urgent calls from the lodge and wanting to get home
as soon as possible to spend time with my wife and son, it was not a hard
decision to head down the street from the house on a small detour to cast my
it should be no surprise that I didn’t vote for any of the people to the left
of the ballot, there were a number of decisions that had to be made and a
variety of issues that differentiated the possible choices from one another. As
with many of my political decisions at this point in my life, it really came
down to a simple concept… who supports my rights and who believes in individual
responsibility? That is the basic foundation to many of my views (also the reason that I previously made known my support for Rand Paul).
here is where everything comes around and demonstrates the flow of thoughts and
ideas from one day to another. As I write this Senator Paul has been on the floor
filibustering the renewal of the Patriot Act. One of the few willing to take a
stand, stand up for our rights, and defend the constitution. While some will
surely say that this is a political stunt to get his name out there to support
his campaign I will simply remind those making that assertion that this is
something that he has done before.
there is no doubt that his stance will galvanize his base the more important
take away is the fact that there is someone willing to fight for our rights and
uphold the Constitution. The Patriot Act is something that I have never been
able to fully support especially as it has been leveraged time and again from
the day that it was passed to broaden the scope of its reach legitimizing a
federal invasion of privacy. It is nice to know that there are still some
people willing to fight for our rights which is why I will continue to exercise
my right to vote whenever I am given the opportunity.

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