As you know, my days are full of work and other activities which translates to more work. With this schedule occupying most days of the week, sometimes the smallest addition can throw the entire calendar off kilter. What’s worse is when other things are put on my schedule that require me to either work from home or take the day off.
as you have read, much of this has been caused by issues in the apartment and
the attempted wrangling of management and maintenance. While I am not the one
that has had to actually fix the problem it has been a constant time suck over
the past two and a half weeks with 5 minutes here and 20 minutes there. This of
course is on top of the fact that it has put my wife and me in less than pleasant
it may seem like an odd time of year, taxes are also messing with the little
time I have to relax as I have to submit local, state, and federal tax forms all
stemming from the work that I do at the lodge. Keep in mind that the forms are
not by choice but rather the quarterly schedule is required by each. Can’t wait
until the end of the year when there is an additional stack of forms that needs
to be filled out. Yay!
next week will be the biggest waste of time for the year as I must report for
jury duty. Yes, I am most likely have to burn one of my vacation days driving
to the court house in Norristown and sit in a room until they realize that they
really don’t want me on a jury. This is after burning a little pocket of
productive time filling out the questionnaire online this week.
course, the last gripe may be moot as I was honest in my responses on said questionnaire
and unless their objective is to specifically waste my time and their own I
should be dismissed rather quickly and that is if I have to show up at all. I
really don’t want to burn a vacation day for this crap! But, for now, next week
has a big steaming pile filling up my Thursday and all I can hope for is that
the apartment will be done by then so that I am not returning to a three week
cluster. One can only hope.
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