couple of weeks ago we lost a tremendous intellect on the Supreme Court when
Antonin Scalia passed away. While there have been many who have criticized his
views over the years, including in the firearms community, there is no
questioning the passion that he had for the Constitution and for the true
intent of the Founding Fathers who wrote it. In fact, there were times when he
himself didn’t completely agree with his own decision but reached the
conclusion that he did because it was the right decision. As he has been quoted
as saying, “If you’re going to be
a good and faithful judge, you have to resign yourself to the fact that you’re
not always going to like the conclusions you reach. If you like them all the
time, you’re probably doing something wrong.”
one of the more balanced ‘obituaries’ written shortly after his death can be
attributed to Mark Sherman at the Associated Press
who rightly focused on Scalia’s commitment to textualism. In part, he writes:
Scalia showed a deep commitment to
originalism, which he later began calling textualism. Judges had a duty to give
the same meaning to the Constitution and laws as they had when they were
written. Otherwise, he said disparagingly, judges could decide that "the
Constitution means exactly what I think it ought to mean."
A challenge to a Washington, D.C., gun
ban gave Scalia the opportunity to display his devotion to textualism. In a 5-4
decision that split the court's conservatives and liberals, Scalia wrote that
an examination of English and colonial history made it exceedingly clear that
the Second Amendment protected Americans' right to have guns, at the very least
in their homes and for self-defense. The dissenters, also claiming fidelity to
history, said the amendment was meant to ensure that states could raise
militias to confront a too-powerful federal government if necessary.
But Scalia rejected that view.
"Undoubtedly some think that the Second Amendment is outmoded in a society
where our standing army is the pride of our Nation, where well-trained police
forces provide personal security, and where gun violence is a serious problem.
That is perhaps debatable, but what is not debatable is that it is not the role
of this Court to pronounce the Second Amendment extinct," Scalia wrote.
his passing leaves a gaping hole in the highest court in the land. Not because
he sided primarily with one party or another but because he was an originalist.
There is too much ‘selective interpretation’ in politics and in the courts
today and having someone relying solely on the text is a tremendous grounding
asset that has been taken for granted for too long. Additionally, the passion
that he freely expressed for our founding document is something that was
evident in the eloquence of his majority opinions but especially in his dissenting
is a shame that the two things that have been talked about most since his
passing is the lack of respect by the President in not attending his funeral (but he took the time to meet with the ‘death to the police’ Black Lives Matter organizers)
and the ongoing debate surrounding the nomination of a replacement. Here is a
revolutionary idea, why don’t we honor his memory by nominating someone who
views our Constitution in the same unbiased way making decisions based on the
text rather than the social flavor of the month. No politics, just focusing on
the text. I’m not even asking for nine, I just want to see one Justice on the
Supreme Court who takes their oath literally.
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