matter where, when, or at what price you purchase a house you will always have
questions about your new home. Some are as simple as where things are located
in the house while you still get used to your new surroundings. Other times you
are curious as to the best routes and best places to shop around your new
location. These are just a natural part of the process no matter who you are,
where you live, or how much research you did before you bought your property.
For some that remain local or knew the former owners they are quickly answered
while for most of us it is just a process that takes time.
there are a few other questions that I find floating around in my mind that I
have also asked a few people from time to time. They are actually more
prevalent than I thought even for those who believe that they have the perfect
home. It also proves that there is more to a home than the place or the
structure. Here are the questions that most people admit to having had fun with
in the past:
- Would you still chose to live in the same place
where you currently live? If no, where would you look? Yes. We really enjoy the town, the
privacy, and the space.
- Would you build your house the same way that you
bought it? No. There are certain
things that we want to change and add. Nothing needs to be changed. All
minor things that are easily adjusted. Also, there are some aspects of our
home that, at the time of purchase, we didn’t realize we wanted.
- Would you live in the same place and/or buy the
same house if you had unlimited funds at the time of purchase? Yes and no. Great value in our home but
we might have made some modifications immediately after purchase.
- I guess the same thing applies to those that had
their house built… would you build it the same way now that you have lived
in it? N/A
- What would you change (what would you have
changed at the time) if you had unlimited funds? N/A
- Change or rebuild? N/A
I am
sure that many of you were thinking about your own responses as you read
through the questions above. And for those with whom I have spoken that
consider the place they live to be their home, there is nothing in their
responses that have led then to regret their previous decision. The certainty
waivers a bit when people consider the place they live to be their house. For
me, this has actually been an interesting exercise that has proven our decision
to be correct time and again… we found the perfect home for us even with its
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