before our son began crawling he would find the most minuscule piece of trash,
hair, dust, crumb, lint, or string hiding in the carpet around him. Now that he is mobile
and crawling at a clip that would impress even the most hard-nosed drill sergeant,
he is finding more and more nearly imperceptible things within the field of
carpet throughout the first floor of our house. It is actually quite impressive
the amount of things that he has been able to find and also rather annoying
since we have to keep a constant eye on anything that may seem out of the
ordinary in the beige and brown floor.
his toys keep him occupied more often than not and he tends to ignore many of
the small pieces that we are able to quickly pick up behind him. Although there
have been moments when I have contemplated putting some kind of shammy on this
hands and letting him loose in the kitchen. He would probably have fun with it
but I think it is a little too early and there might be something in the child labor
laws about it. However, I think with his OCD tendencies he might do that all by
himself when he gets a little older.
we don’t keep a spotless house, and we probably never will, we do keep track of
what could possibly be hiding in the fibers across the floor and in the kitchen
around his highchair. We know where the possible discoveries are and we make
sure to sweep, Swiffer, and vacuum enough to keep him from ingesting something
we don’t want him to. On the other hand, the harmless things we don’t give much
attention as he does have to learn every now and again that something, while
perfectly safe, doesn’t taste very good.
this is a lesson that he is quickly learning especially when he spends some
time in the yard. Not only do leaves leave a bad taste in your mouth but they
can also stick to the roof of your mouth even worse than peanut butter…
something we avoid bringing into the house until we get some additional testing
done. Now, fully mobile, he finds everything and he tries to eat everything
which is proving to be humorous at times but, more than anything, a very tiring
and challenging daily routine. And it is only going to become a bigger
challenge when we start some of the improvement projects over the summer.
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