I have been able to make some progress recently on tracing back along the
branches of the family tree (more on that next week), I have also encountered a
number of roadblocks. It hasn’t been a matter of being able to find the right person
to call, it is largely a matter of records no longer existing. Of course, there
are also a few instances where I simply don’t have the access to the records.
Really it is the combination of these two situations that has forced me to find
other avenues to find the information for which I am searching.
previously wrote about my numerous interactions with the Philadelphia Police
Department and the discovery that most personnel files have long since been
destroyed. While I was able to piece together a few aspects of John Uttley’s
service, there are still many holes and questions that remain. However,
sometimes we have to be satisfied with what we have and take some measure of
contentment knowing that we have been able to confirm that he did serve, how
long, badge number, and rank. Some people don’t even have that much
ran into a similar situation as this when I called the Narberth Fire Department
the last couple of weeks to try and get more information about my grandfather
who was a Captain with the volunteer company. As it turns out, after years of
renovations, moving buildings, leaks, and other instances, all the records
prior to 1970 have been lost. However, I was still able to find out that, late
in life, he was on over two dozen calls. Thankfully, there are some photos in
the family from this time.

As I
waited for Narberth to return my call, I also reached out to the current
incarnation of Autocar now located in Indiana to see if they had any of the personnel
files from the early days on the Philadelphia Main Line… this is where my
great grandfather spend nearly his entire working life. I can’t say I was surprised
when the woman on the phone informed me that only the name has been transferred
over the years and the whereabouts of the files are unknown. There still is a
chance that these records exist but now it is a completely different task trying
to figure out where they ended up… I guess it is time to reach out to a variety
of historical societies.
while conducting the aforementioned outreach, I also looked into trying to
secure my grandfather and great grandfather’s service records from WWII and WWI
respectively. While these records exist, at least most of them, only next of
kin are allowed to order the files. The simple translation is that I have to
have my father submit the request in order to get these copies. Sometimes these
extra steps seem to add up but at least there is a simply solution.
I have found throughout the process and the point that has been driven home
again and again is the simple fact that we, as a family, must keep our own
records. If you want to know the story of your family and you want future
generations to know about the family we can’t rely solely on the depositories found
in other places. At the same time, make it known that you have certain records
and share them with anyone who is interested in learning about the generations
that preceded them. In other words, don’t let someone else control your family
story… don’t be afraid to be the family historian.
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