Saturday, January 9, 2016

Changes Already Taking Place During Our First Meeting


The first stated meeting for any given year is one that usually demonstrates an interesting change over the previous year as there is a new slate of officers sitting in the chairs. While last year the difference from the previous year was rather minimal given the fact that the Worshipful Master served two consecutive terms, this year, this meeting, demonstrated the difference we were all expecting. Even the preparation before the meeting was a little different this time around as rehearsals were held and a fresh slate of topics was set to be addresses right away. With all the topics that were addressed, it is going to be a great year.

What was also a nice change was the simple fact that we had two men in attendance at dinner before the meeting who are interested in petitioning the lodge. Given the fact that it has been far too long since the last petition was read, this was a welcomed change from the previous year. After all, we can’t grow as a lodge if we don’t have new masons being raised. And with the increasingly realized atmosphere during the meal, this was a great time to have potential candidates joining us to break bread and ask questions.

However, my time at lodge this past week was limited due to a family matter that came up at the last minute. For the first time in over a year, I missed the actual meeting. Thankfully, I was able to be at the lodge beforehand and make sure that all information was handed over to my assistant for the meeting. Having someone you can trust to back you up as you assistant is too often overlooked. But, even not having stayed for the actual meeting, I noticed the change from the previous year by seeing the interactions during dinner and talking with many of the brethren the following day. Things are headed in the right direction.

Now I find myself catching up a little bit, not too much thanks to the assistance that I have received, and also looking forward to discussing the topics raised during the meeting this week with many of the brethren. Basically the same routine, which remains no matter who is sitting in the east, once one meeting ends, preparations for the next meeting begins. There are a few things that need to be addressed between now and then but they are all great things to get the lodge moving in the right direction for the current and future years.

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