By the
time Thursday rolled around last week we were finally getting our son back to his daily routine. It had taken some effort after our week and a half long trek
through Virginia but we were getting things back to the usual daily routine. His
sleep schedule was returning to normal, his wasn’t fighting his naps as much, his
minor medication has been adjusted to accommodate his recent growth, and his
happy demeanor was evident in the smile on his face. Everything was almost back
to normal by the time my wife left for the shore on Thursday morning.
the short time near the Atlantic Ocean, our son took a few steps back. His appetite
changed on a nearly hourly basis, he wasn’t sleeping, and his 'movements' were unpredictable. This of course changed
his whole demeanor during the day and kept both of us, more so my wife, from
getting a good night of sleep… this was on top of the fact that my wife and I are not really beach people to begin with and we were once again looking
forward to the comforts of home. After our son’s experience, it is safe to say that none of us are really beach people.
we walked through the door on Sunday, we immediately noticed a change in his
mood. He was happy to be home… just the three of us… and enjoyed playing with
his toys for the better part of an hour before giving us the look that he was getting
bored. At that point he was perfectly happy to lay beside mommy and daddy playing
with his blanket and clutching or fingers as he yawned. But while some things
improved immediately, other things were obviously still a little off. That
yawning and eye rubbing was happening around 6:00… he was ready for bed and
soon after let us know how much he wanted to be back in his own room and tucked
into his own crib.
first night back he went to bed two hours early, at 6:30pm, and woke up an hour late, at 8:30am, the
following morning. Things are obviously off. So now we are having to get our
son back to his normal routine… again! We are slowly readjusting his sleep,
doing our best to calm him for his naps, and trying to get the eating schedule
back to where it once was. It is one of those Groundhog Day moments when you
know things are going to get better and move on but, when in the moment, they
seem to take forever. Slowly, very slowly, we will return to his normal
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