is a certain pall to this day on the calendar and it has nothing to do with the
weather outside our windows. It is a day that hangs over us not just for what
happened but also because the majority of those reading this post have no idea
what happened on this day in 1942. While the results of this day will never be
forgotten, the day itself seems to have been lost. 73 years ago today the Wannsee Conference took place and the “Final
Solution of the Jewish Question” was officially put into action.
is little that I can say about this day so rather than write at length on the
atrocities that resulted from this meeting I will simply encourage you to talk
to a Holocaust survivor and/or someone who was at the liberation of one of the
concentration camps as there is little time left to hear their accounts first
hand. I have spoken with people from all perspectives and the realities revealed are
more horrible than that which you can read in a book. Seeing the memories in
their eyes cannot be replaced by words on a page or images on a screen.
addition to the human connection (which directly contradicts the actions of
this anniversary), learn about what happened during this meeting, on this day.
The movie "Conspiracy", while no means a replacement for research, offers as thorough
an overview of the conference as you can find on the screen. However, the
historical fiction on the screen should only serve as a reminder not as an
actual recounting of facts.
out local holocaust memorials and museums. You do not need a special day or
anniversary to mourn what happened but it days such as this do offer additional
meaning to those visitations. Having been to Yad Vashem and United States
Holocaust Memorial Museum (as well as exhibits in a few other countries), they
are powerful places that envelope you and bring you as close as you can get to
the actual items and stories of the victims and survivors as possible. Many of
these places of remembrance also have survivors who volunteer their time to
tell visitors of their experiences. Don’t miss the opportunity to speak with
probably the best way to remember what happened and to ensure that conferences
such as the one held in Wannsee can never be successful is to support the State
of Israel. This must serve and always be the final solution of the Jewish
question. We are united with a place to forever call home; we are able to
support ourselves; and we are able to defend ourselves. That is the final
answer of the Jewish question!
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