of you who have been following this blog for any significant length of time
pretty much know where I fall on a variety of political issues especially with
regard to the second amendment. However, I still get questions from time to
time regarding where I stand on a variety of topics so I have decided to
dedicate a couple of posts to summarizing those views. Of course, given the day
that I am posting this, it is only right that I start with the topic that seems
to garner the most support and criticism… Firearms ownership.
put, I believe that law abiding citizens, in accordance with the second amendment,
have the right to own firearms. In fact, I believe that many of the laws in
force overstep the boundaries of government and should be revoked particularly
as it pertains to those that fall under the purview of the ATF. Generally
speaking, restrictions and registrations are infringements upon our rights and
should deemed as such.
free zones’ are an insane propaganda piece to promote a false sense of safety
when, in fact, they merely ensure limited if any resistance ensuring targets of
opportunity for those who wish to commit evil acts. This is why you are seeing
so many shootings in these shocking areas. Not because we have a ‘gun problem’
in this country but because we instill a false sense of security and ignore the
evil that exists in this world.
there are many laws in place that I support as it relates to firearms ownership
as I believe a basic background check has the potential to be an effective tool
should the necessary implementation of existing laws and technology be applied.
I have seen too many posts noting that NICS is down and we already know that
the system has not been optimized. In the end, NO other legislation should be
passed until the existing measures are fully operational.
it pertains to those who break the law I firmly believe that those who commit a
crime with a firearm should be given sentences longer than those who commit the
same crime without the use of a firearm. Those who unlawfully purchase or sell
a firearm should also be given harsh sentences. In the end, the individual
should be punished for what they did not the entire community.
people should not rely on the authorities to keep them safe when we are capable
of doing so ourselves. For the great work that they do, they can’t anticipate
what is going to happen, they are limited to responding to situations. We need
to protect ourselves. The government can’t solve our problems… we must be
self-reliant and self-sufficient and acknowledge the limitations that should be
placed on government.
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