with Iran have long been a polarizing subject from all colors on the political
spectrum. This has always seemed a little odd to me given the United States’ tenuous
relationship with the country, the vile policies of their leadership, and their
attempts to vilify and desire to destroy Israel. To this end, I would support
the current nuclear negotiations with Iran if they would simply reverse every
position that they have doggedly held on to for so long.
was the driving force behind Netanyahu’s speech to Congress as Israel can’t
afford, nor can the United States, to see Iran develop a nuclear arsenal. To
think that this radical country would stick to any agreement let alone one so ill-conceived
is naive at best. Believing that they will only use the development and
technology for peaceful purposes is like saying Hillary only deleted private emails. It just doesn’t add up.
was for this reason that Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR)
penned a letter to the Islamic Republic and why 46 other Senators joined him by
signing the letter (the full text of the letter can be found on The Wall Street Journal blog). Contrary to many of the reports from “unbiased”
news outlets, this was not an attack on the president nor was it a threat. The
letter was a means to demonstrate the significant public opposition to the
current negotiations. The current 10 year plan is one that won’t work, one that
should not be supported, and if signed, one that should be overturned as
quickly as possible to limit the fallout.
With that said, the
means by with this message was presented may not have been the best decision.
But, again, this is not a means to offend or undermine, it is a way to ensure
that the opposition is heard loud and clear. Frankly, it is one of the more
transparent actions that I can remember seeing come out of Washington. There
was no doubt as to who signed the letter.
The subsequent twisting
of the words and assumption of motive is what the public should be up in arms
about. That and the idea that there are too many who are placing their trust in
the untrustworthy, crossing their fingers, and hoping that there is some
semblance honest in the empty promises of a murderous republic. That is simply
a stance that I cannot support, Israel does not support, many in the military
and intelligence communities do not support, and at least 47 politicians in
Washington do not support.
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