only one day this past weekend free from commitments, my wife and I spent the
entirety of Sunday running errands. Some were overdue and now on a ticking
clock, others were the result of the baby shower the day before, and some were
just errands of opportunity. By the time we got home in the early evening we
were tired and ready for another weekend.
first trip was to the old apartment to pick up the cable boxes that I had
forgotten to put in the car numerous times. I had gotten a call from Comcast
last week and I really didn’t want to see another bill from them in the coming
weeks. Now that this is done, it shouldn’t take much longer before our previous
residence is finally a thing of the past.
there we drove to Staples where I spent the next hour of my life scanning,
formatting, and confirming the order for new lodge dues cards and address
stamps. This is why I have been putting off this trip for so long. Of course,
while we were there, it took the opportunity to restock on a few essentials
(i.e. ink, envelopes, etc.). Between rewards dollars and coupons we did pretty
swinging by my parent’s house and picking up a few baby shower gifts that got
lost in the shuffle, we drove back west. On our way to drop off the aforementioned
Comcast boxes (they don’t really have many convenient locations), and because I
took a slightly longer route, we drove by the local Office Max which, turns
out, is closing and was in the midst of clearing out the store. So, with the
drop off taken care of, we circled back and slowly walked through the store.
Got to love saving nearly 70% on items that you had been looking to pick up
when the price was right.
this point we were starting to slow down but we were only 5 minutes away from
Babies R Us and we had both coupons and gift cards in hand (both from the gifts
we brought home the night before and some that were in envelopes in the trunk
that we had just retrieved). Needless to say, we decided to check a few more
items off the registry and cherry pick the clearance racks and shelves. Even
with a cart load of baby items, we actually still have some funds left to round
things out a little later. Of course, there is still a lot of stuff on the registry
a quick dinner (Bob Evans doesn’t mix well with pregnancy) we finally headed
home for the day. While tiring we did manage to get a lot done that won’t muck
up a future weekend. With that said, the retail hangover this morning was something
that I don’t look forward to experiencing again.
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