For the past several evenings I have been able to get out of the office at a normal time and head straight home without having any other obligations in the evening. There was also a few free hours the past couple of weeks. This “free” time was quickly cashed in so that we could finally get everything put together and moved into place in the baby’s room. By the end of the day I was really wishing that Babies R Us had offered assembly when we ordered online.
of the furniture arrived earlier this month and has been sitting in pieces in
the middle of the room. It is not that putting together the functional jigsaw
puzzles was complicated it really just came down to finding the time to read
the directions and putting them together. The first attempt to do so came last
Saturday when hutch pieces were strewn across the floor and I started screwing
the pieces together. Ten minutes later the initial project was put on hold as
the pot metal hardware bent and broke thanks to a few holes that were drilled
too deep. This was only the beginning of the cursing at inanimate objects
portion of the day.
a quick trip to Home Depot for some replacements and spares, we got back on
track putting things together. I built the furniture and my wife supervised…
our son isn’t old enough to help lift things yet. It is a model that has worked
in the past so why mess with it. An hour in and the hutch was put together and
attached to the dresser. I could see my wife’s eyes light up as the first piece
was put into place (and then put into a new place when we reconsidered the
crib and changing table was next. It is safe to say that directions are not the
company’s strong suit as there were numerous instances of putting together,
taking apart, and reassembling parts where the instructions were clearly left
to interpretation. However, with the sun slowly setting and the lamp we found
on clearance prolonging the work day, everything finally came together leaving
only the glider still in its box.
glider and ottoman proved to be, by far, the easiest items to build and within
20 minutes of putting the crib in the corner, the room was complete. My wife,
both tired and eager, soon followed by letting me know of her plans of where
she wanted to place the pile of things that we received at the baby shower. By
the time we went to bed that night, some of those things were already in place.
we are down to the details. Getting the clothes cleaned, organizing the
shelves, decorating the walls (thanks to the clearance sections at Babies R
Us), and stocking the room with many of the things that we will need for our
son. It is all coming together and while many of the things are in place and
ready, I am sure that there are even more things that we are forgetting about
and will only remember once we need them. Until then, we will get everything
else together and wait for baby.
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