Friday, February 7, 2014

Technology Abuse

Growing up I remember playing Nintendo for hours. From Mario Brothers and Zelda to RBI Baseball and Golf, I played them all at one time or another. However, sometimes the game consul didn’t want to cooperate. Sometimes the color would be off, other times the screen would be fuzzy or only half read the data, and there were also times when it would just be a blank screen. Whenever one of these problems would occur, there were certain methods that would be used to fix the issues.

Some of them were very simple and gentle solutions like blowing the dust out of the game or making sure the game was in all the way. When those didn’t work things would get a little more aggressive which usually consisted of jamming the case above the game to hold it down, tapping the sides of the consul, and shaking out the game. When the issues persisted, the real aggression came out which usually ended up with the consul and game having the ever loving crap beaten out of it! Eventually, the Nintendo would succumb to the beating and give up, allowing us to play whatever game we wanted.

What ever happened to the technology you could beat the crap out of to make it work again?

This week that question kept running through my mind with the satisfying memories of slamming my fist into the Nintendo. It wasn’t really coming to mind earlier in the week with the snow, ice, power outages, and lack of internet. It was after all that when my email decided to be uncooperative and evaporate all correspondences since mid-November. In addition to the disappearance of my existence from the past three months, my computer did not want to talk to the server or let excel work properly forcing me to redo the same edits over and over again about three or four times.

It is amazing to think how limited you can be by technological difficulties. Even being sick and working at half the capacity of what I knew I could do, I wasn’t limited as much as when my computer turned against me. While I can fix many things I never experimented or had any desire to work on computers. Of course, I never had the patience for them either because when situations happen like this week is when they would need to be fixed but this is also when I wish I could just smack the crap out of the computer to make it work again.

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