have been countless bills in recent history that have been specifically
designed to limit firearms ownership and essentially strip the rights away from
people to defend themselves. That simple and devious objective has recently
been broadened to include those items that are truly, by any political
definition, defensive. By this I am of course referring to the bill proposed
last month by Representative Mike Honda (D-CA) deceptively titled the
“Responsible Body Armor Possession Act”. As summarized on the Congressional website:
Amends the federal criminal code to prohibit the purchase, ownership, or
possession of enhanced body armor, except: (1) by or under the authority of the
United States or any state or political subdivision, or (2) enhanced body armor
that was lawfully possessed before the effective date of this Act.
Defines "enhanced body armor" to mean body armor, including a
helmet or shield, the ballistic resistance of which meets or exceeds the
ballistic performance of Type III armor, determined using National Institute of
Justice Standard-0101.06.
right, the same people that want to strip you of right to bear arms also want
to eliminate any possibility to defend yourself once those firearms have been
taken away. Once again, we are all caste in the same pool as those who perform
illegal, insidious, and barbaric acts with firearms. For a group that likes to
focus so intensely on the lives of the one percent it is interesting that they
have no problem ignoring the fact that only a fraction of a percent of the
hundreds of millions of firearms in this country are actually used to commit a
crime. However, I think that Robert Farago at TheTruthAboutGuns.org
was much more succinct in his reaction to the bill:
That “argument”
presumes that A) active shooters wear Type III bullet resistant vests, B)
a ban on Type III bullet resistant vests would prevent active shooters from
obtaining and wearing such attire and C) active shooters (wearing Type III
bullet resistant vests) are enough of a problem to warrant federal legislation.
D’oh! Forgot D) banning Type III bullet resistant vests doesn’t
limit law-abiding citizens’ ability to defend themselves
It’s that last one
that reveals Honda’s true agenda.
Like all gun
control advocates, Honda believes that people are safer under the
protection of the bullet resistant vest-wearing police than they are when
they take responsibility for their own defense – which could include
wearing a rifle-round capable bullet resistant vest. Self-defense is too risky! People
who own guns – and wear bullet resistant vests – could turn into active
shooters! Hard-to-kill active shooters!
of this debate has spurred sales of personal body armor and those companies
offering that protection at a reasonable price have been inundated by orders
resulting in lead times of up to 10-12 weeks. AR500 is probably the best example
of this influx of activity and while some customers have been content to wait
others have criticized the small Arizona based manufacturer for the delay.
However, just like the ammunition shortage we all experienced a few years ago,
production can only go so fast if quality is to be maintained.
all heard the stories of overpowered and underpowered rounds that resulted from
the high input to keep up with demand. However, I can confidently say that the
AR500 armor is well worth the wait. Despite the political pressure and
subsequent order inundation, AR500.com maintains a high standard. I have seen
the quality first hand and despite the lag times that are currently in place
and the volume that they are now producing, the quality remains unquestioned
and the prices remain the same. Those who are thinking about purchasing should
probably hedge their bet now and at least order some plates. After all,
grandfathering is a beautiful thing in the face of strict regulation when you
know that you are already covered.
that said, all of this would be so much easier if everyone could simply agree
to allow people to defend themselves. All of these bills and fear mongering is
getting out of hand and the encouragement of people to rely so heavily on the
government is a bit ridiculous. The police do all that they can to protect us
but they can’t be everywhere and when something does happen it is going to take
them time to arrive on the scene. We can’t fault them for doing all that they
can do but, at the same time, you can’t fault us for wanting to protect
don’t need overregulation and bans on everything that anyone has ever used in a
crime. We need some real gun sense to finally take hold and for people to
embrace the broader concepts of personal responsibility, self-sufficiency, and
self-defense sense. Those characteristics should be recognized and encouraged
for the solid foundation that they provide to a nation of law abiding citizens.
We must defend not attack “we the people.”
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