a long week for both me and my wife when sleep seemed more like an option
rather than a requirement, we headed out to dinner at the local Cheesecake
Factory on Friday night. Seemed appropriate since we were coming from her mom’s
house and this was the place where the three of us would commonly meet. After
the experience we had (it takes talent to mess up a plain well done cheeseburger
three times in a single night) it is safe to say that we will not be returning.
rest of the night was about as uneventful as we could expect. Not easy as we
are heading into the last couple of weeks of the pregnancy which has a certain
effect on her demeanor which is compounded by the other emotional events that
are swirling around our daily life. But it was the weekend and while we didn’t
have any particular plans, trips, or even gifts, we were till going to do our
best to enjoy a final Valentine’s Day before the baby arrives.
had our weekend planned out to both take a few moments for ourselves but also
to spend some much needed time with family. When we got up on Saturday morning
those plans quickly changed as my wife could feel the very beginnings of a
fever beginning to surface. All the plans that we had were immediately thrown
away and we focused on doing our best to relax and spending a day at home.
the early afternoon my wife wasn’t feeling any better so we gave the doctor a
call to determine what our next course of action should be. Given the fact that
she is 38 weeks pregnant it really wasn’t a surprise when they told us to head
to the emergency room and get checked out. Hours, numerous tests, and a few
naps later and we were finally told that the flu shot that sent her to the same
emergency room in October didn’t work.
we were able to jump through all the hoops we were finally able to head out the
door just as the snow was beginning to pick up. Of course, since it was now
nearly eight at night there was only one pharmacy near our house which was open
and able to fill the scripts. Four pharmacies and a quick Chinese food take out
later and we finally made it home around nine. Everything seemed to settle down
and we were both looking forward to sleeping in. That was the thought until my
wife began waking me up in the middle of the night saying that her temperature
wasn’t going down. It was going to be a long night but at least I didn't get stuck on the Pennsylvania Turnpike for eight hours like I did last year.
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